How Healthy is Your Lifestyle?

— No.1/5 —

1. How many hours do you usually sleep each night?

7-9 hours, consistent and refreshing.
6-7 hours, mostly enough to get by.
5-6 hours, often feeling sleep-deprived.
Less than 5 hours, running on empty.
— No.2/5 —

2. What does your diet mainly consist of?

Lots of fruits and veggies, balanced meals.
Occasionally indulge in fast food, but mostly healthy.
Often order takeout or eat processed foods, low on fruits and veggies.
High-calorie, fatty, sugary foods are your go-to.
— No.3/5 —

3. How often do you exercise each week?

At least three times, for 30 minutes or more.
Once or twice, about 20 minutes each time.
A few times a month, around 10 minutes each time.
Almost never.
— No.4/5 —

4. How do you deal with stress?

Effectively manage it with exercise, meditation, etc.
Talk it out with friends or do some relaxing activities.
Feel anxious but can eventually adjust.
Often feel overwhelmed and can’t cope.
— No.5/5 —

5. How much time do you spend on electronic devices (phone, computer, etc.)?

Less than 4 hours a day, and you take breaks.
4-6 hours a day, occasionally more.
6-8 hours a day, starting to feel a bit hooked.
Over 8 hours a day, seriously dependent.