Swapped Roles? How Strong is Your Fourth Love Inclination?

— No.1/5 —

1. In a relationship, you tend to:

Take on the role of caregiver and protector.
Prefer to share responsibilities equally.
Expect to be cared for and led by your partner.
Completely follow your partner’s lead.
— No.2/5 —

2. What’s your view on traditional gender roles (like men working outside and women staying home)?

Strongly disagree; these roles should be broken.
They can be adjusted based on individual traits.
It makes some sense, but I don’t strictly follow them.
Strongly agree; they should be strictly followed.
— No.3/5 —

3. Imagine a romantic scenario. You’d prefer to:

Plan surprises and gifts for your partner.
Plan and execute things together.
Wait for your partner to plan for you.
Not really care about these things.
— No.4/5 —

4. When facing conflict or an argument, you:

Compromise and soothe your partner.
Communicate rationally to find a solution.
Stick to your opinion and don’t back down easily.
Wait for your partner to compromise and comfort you.
— No.5/5 —

5. Regarding managing the household finances, you lean towards:

Taking charge yourself.
Making decisions together with your partner.
Letting your partner handle it while you stay out of it.
Having no strong opinion and going with the flow.