What Role Would You Play in a Magical World?

— No.1/5 —

1. You discover a mysterious magical book. What do you do?

Dive right in and start studying the spells and techniques inside.
Carefully observe it first, making sure it’s safe before exploring further.
Find someone experienced to study it with you.
Fear it might cause trouble, so you don’t dare to touch it.
— No.2/5 —

2. You’re attacked by an evil magical creature. What do you do?

Courageously cast spells and fight it.
Look for environmental advantages and come up with a strategy.
Try to communicate with it, hoping for a peaceful solution.
Panic and run away.
— No.3/5 —

3. The magic academy is hosting a magic competition. What do you do?

Sign up eagerly, determined to win.
Consider your abilities before deciding whether to participate.
Only join if your friends drag you into it.
You’re not interested at all and don’t want to participate.
— No.4/5 —

4. You discover a new magical material. What do you do?

Immediately try to create new magical items or spells with it.
Research its properties and uses first.
Ask a teacher or expert for advice.
Think it’s too dangerous and quickly discard it.
— No.5/5 —

5. Your friend accidentally messes up with magic and gets punished by the magic academy. What do you do?

Share the responsibility with your friend.
Plead with the teacher on your friend’s behalf to reduce the punishment.
Comfort your friend but stay out of it.
Worry about getting involved and keep your distance.