Find Your Ideal Relationship Distance!

— No.1/5 —

1. Your partner has to travel for work frequently, spending about half of each month away. How do you feel about it?

It’s really tough. I feel like it could seriously affect our relationship.
A bit sad, but I believe we can make it work.
It’s okay. I can handle it.
Not a big deal. I enjoy my own space.
— No.2/5 —

2. It’s vacation time! You and your partner are planning a trip. What’s your ideal destination?

A quiet town where it’s just the two of you enjoying some peaceful time together.
A bustling tourist city full of activities and excitement.
Separate destinations that you both love, in other words, travel apart and share stories later.
Stay home and relax, no travel needed.
— No.3/5 —

3. Your partner gets a promotion that requires him/her to move away for a long-term assignment. What’s your response?

Absolutely not! I’d ask him/her to turn it down.
We’d discuss if there’s a way to make it work, like regular visits.
I’d support but feel pretty torn about it.
Go for it! It’s great for his/her career, and I’m not worried about our relationship.
— No.4/5 —

4. How much time do you and your partner typically spend together each day?

Almost all day—we’re practically inseparable.
Most of the day, with a little personal time.
Just a few hours in the evening.
Not much—we’re usually doing our own things.
— No.5/5 —

5. Imagine your partner starts spending less time with you because he/she has taken up a new hobby. How do you react?

I’d be really upset and ask him/her to cut back.
I’d grumble a bit but try to understand.
It wouldn’t bother me much—as long as he/she is happy, I’m happy.
I’d encourage him/her to do more and find my own hobbies to enjoy.