How Many Bad Romances Are You Attracting? Test Your Ability to Spot Red Flags in Love!

— No.1/5 —

1. Someone confesses his/her feelings for you, but you don’t know him/her well. What do you do?

Reject him/her right away; you don’t want to take any risks.
Get to know him/her a little before making a decision.
Stay neutral and continue observing him/her.
Accept immediately; you think it might be worth a try.
— No.2/5 —

2. A person you’ve just met starts giving you expensive gifts frequently. How do you respond?

Firmly refuse; something doesn’t feel right.
Accept some gifts but stay cautious.
Happily accept all the gifts; you feel he/she is very thoughtful.
Actively ask for more gifts.
— No.3/5 —

3. On a date, the other person keeps talking about his/her ex. How do you feel?

Uncomfortable—you make an excuse to end the date.
Listen politely but mentally start deducting impression scores.
Try to steer the conversation to other topics.
It doesn’t bother you; you even join in on the discussion.
— No.4/5 —

4. Someone you’ve just met keeps finding reasons to borrow money from you. What’s your move?

Refuse immediately; you’re suspicious of his/her motives.
Lend him/her a small amount to see if he/she’ll repay you.
Lend him/her the money but feel a bit uneasy.
Lend him/her a large sum without hesitation.
— No.5/5 —

5. Someone is particularly attentive to you, but you notice he/she is the same with others. How do you react?

Distance yourself immediately—you’re certain he/she is bad romance.
Limit your interactions and observe him/her for a while.
Don’t think much of it and continue enjoying his/her attention.
Feel confident that you’re more attractive than others.