Shadow Personality Quiz

— No.1/5 —

1. When you attend social events, how do you usually behave?

Very active and take the spotlight.
Pretty lively, engaging with many people.
Moderately involved, occasionally talking to others.
Quietly stay in the corner, observing others.
— No.2/5 —

2. When faced with stress and difficulties, how do you typically respond?

Face it head-on, striving to overcome it.
Try to solve it but may feel a bit anxious.
Avoid it for a while before figuring things out.
Feel helpless and give up easily.
— No.3/5 —

3. In team collaboration, what role do you usually play?

The leader, guiding the entire team’s direction.
An active participant, coming up with lots of ideas.
A supportive team member, completing assigned tasks.
Not very proactive, waiting to be given tasks.
— No.4/5 —

4. When it comes to learning new knowledge and skills, what’s your attitude?

Full of enthusiasm, eager to explore and learn.
Interested, but need some guidance.
Only learn when necessary.
Find it bothersome and prefer to avoid it.
— No.5/5 —

5. When you’re alone, what do you prefer to do?

Read, learn, or engage in creative activities.
Listen to music or watch movies to relax.
Do light exercise, like taking a walk.
Do nothing and just daydream.