What Kind of Superhero Are You?

— No.1/5 —

1. When facing a powerful enemy, what’s your first instinct?

Be at the forefront without hesitation and fight.
Observe the enemy’s weaknesses and strategize.
Try to negotiate for a peaceful resolution.
Feel scared and want to run away.
— No.2/5 —

2. Someone on your team makes a mistake. How do you react?

Criticize them harshly and demand they fix it.
Gently point it out and help them correct it.
Comfort them and encourage them to do better next time.
Pretend you didn’t notice to avoid causing trouble.
— No.3/5 —

3. You see someone in danger, but helping them might put you at risk. What do you do?

Jump in to help without a second thought.
Weigh the risks before deciding to help.
Wait to see if someone else steps in first.
Choose to protect yourself and avoid the danger.
— No.4/5 —

4. How do you react to unfair rules?

Challenge them head-on and try to change them.
Look for legal ways to improve the situation.
Follow them quietly without protest.
Use the rules to your advantage.
— No.5/5 —

5. What’s your superpower mainly for?

Protecting the world and fighting evil.
Helping those around you solve problems.
Achieving your personal goals.
Hiding your power because you don’t want to be noticed.